Basic Islamic Knowledge

Through this course , Anas Online QURAN & URDU Academy provides an opportunity for its students to get to know some of the basics about Islam.Our knowledgeable such as the Basic Beliefs of Islam , The Five Pillars of Islam,etc.

Remember that all teachings can be a source of success for us at the same time when it is in accordance with the instructions of Allah almighty and His last Prophet , Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) .

Allah almighty said in the holy Quran by paying attention to the same thing:

Oیٰٓاَیُّھَاالَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْٓااَطِیْعُوااللّٰہَ وَاَطِیْعُوالرَّسُوْلَ وَلَا تُبْطِلُوْااَعْمَالَکُمْ
‘‘ O Believers! obey Allah and obey His Messenger and make not vain your deeds ’’ . (al Muhammad : 33)

The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) said :“ I am leaving two things for you , unless you hold them , you will not be misguided : Quran and Sunnah ( life of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) ) “

"Recite the Qur'an; you will undoubtedly receive rewards for doing so. Alif has ten (rewards), Laam has ten (rewards), and Meem has ten (rewards), therefore this is thirty (rewards), not that Alif-Laam-Meem will count as a word.

Basic Beliefs of Islam

The Basic beliefs of Islam are :

The Five Pillars of Islam

The five Pillars of Islam are

(1) Firm faith in Allah almighty

(1) Shahadah ( Faith)

Firm faith in Allah almighty that “There is no creator but Allah, and Muhammad is the last Messenger of Allah”

(2) Faith in Prophets and Messengers of Allah

(2) Salah ( Prayer )

Muslims pray facing to Mecca five times a day

(3) Faith in Divine books (revealed books of Allah )

(3) Zakat ( Charity )

Zakat is mandatory for all Muslims to donate a sertain propotion of wealth each year to charitable causes .

(4) Faith in that there is an afterlife and the Day of Judgment

(4) Sawm ( Fasting)

Fasting from dawn until dusk during Ramadan.

(5) Believe that Angles are the creatures of Allah who don’t disobey His orders

(5) Hajj ( Pilgrimage )

Hajj is mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all.

Predestination is the belief that Allah almighty has complete control over human destiny and all over the universe .

Basic Beliefs of Islam

The Basic beliefs of Islam are :

(1) Firm faith in Allah almighty

(2) Faith in Prophets and Messengers of Allah

(3) Faith in Divine books (revealed books of Allah )

(4) Faith in that there is an afterlife and the Day of Judgment

(5) Believe that Angles are the creatures of Allah who don’t disobey His orders

The Five Pillars of Islam

The five Pillars of Islam are

(1) Shahadah ( Faith)

Firm faith in Allah almighty that “There is no creator but Allah, and Muhammad is the last Messenger of Allah”

(2) Salah ( Prayer )

Muslims pray facing to Mecca five times a day

(3) Zakat ( Charity )

Zakat is mandatory for all Muslims to donate a sertain propotion of wealth each year to charitable causes .

(4) Sawm ( Fasting)

Fasting from dawn until dusk during Ramadan.

(5) Hajj ( Pilgrimage )

Hajj is mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all.

Predestination is the belief that Allah almighty has complete control over human destiny and all over the universe .

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